Monday, July 23, 2012

Not a T shape.

So, as luck (and I do mean that) would have it, I am not a T-shaper.  Nope.  What I was...was misdiagnosed.  Doctors apparently do that from time to time.  However, my alleged "T-shaped" uterus was in fact not shaped like a T at all. Not even a little bit.  Upon switching infertility clinics, switching doctors and having every new doctor and their mother up in my business for days and days on end, a 3D ultrasound revealed "a very large septum." Whaaaaaat?!

Dare I say...yay?

For next time, the answer is "No" (unless in my head). Because upon saying that I was "actually really excited to hear that" my new and emotionally ridiculous doctor went on to stare in disbelief and say, "I wouldn't say it's exciting to have a septum"

Thanks dummy.

I mean, I know I'm still infertile. I know my uterus is crazy-pants and wants to be all sorts of things other than a baby-carrying uterus.  I knooooow.  However, I'm excited.  Double-however, this particular dummy is actually a very smart man in the medical field who also just gave me the most exciting news of my infertile life, so upon ushering me out of his office, I did not shout, "I AM EXCITED, WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!" at the top of my lungs. I did not.

Instead, I made an appointment for my first surgery ever and GOT PUMPED!  After 12 months of zero double-lineness and a sorta awful doctor originally telling me that my uterus was trying to emulate the first letter of my last name, I was (and am currently) really really excited to be able to do something about my state of no-babyness.  Sure, surgery sounds awful, but it's better than peeing on sticks and crying all day. Right?


Well, surgery was last Wednesday and I am officially in the 'healing' phase...which is extremely easy and really just involves wearing lots of hugely uncomfortable diaper pads to soak up the large quantities of guts pouring out of me every minute.  Just joking! Kind of.

The doctor performing said surgery seems to think that everything went really well, as he was able to clear out all the way to the right and left fallopian tubes. They were also able to take some insanely clear pictures in there, so I will update the blog later with them. 

My post-op appointment is next Monday, the 30th. Yay!!!

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