So much for the last post.
Fact: I freaked out and did not go through with my MRI today.
Here's how the day went -
I woke up super early to eat some toast before going on with my day of fasting. No food for 8 hours before the MRI to ensure clear pictures. Great. My sister picked me up along with my adorable 2 year old nephew to take me to the imaging center. I signed in and pumped myself up. I was so ready.
Then, I waited. And waited. For an hour. As someone with's never good to wait.
Finally, I was taken back, given a robe and told to wait for the person before me to finish. It was during that time that things got crazy. The imaging tech was spouting off a laundry list (including swallowing some liquid?) of what I was about to undergo and I thought, "Wow, that sounds like an awful lot to do." I told her how I how excited I was to eat after this whole ordeal was finito, to which she laughed (nicely) and replied, "You'll really be excited for that when we're done in a couple hours."
I started to shake. The machine's noise was already rattling my nerves. And from where I was sitting (right outside of the MRI room), it looked dark, old and plain scary. I had figured I'd be in the tube for 30 minutes...not a couple of hours. To someone with a 'feeling trapped' problem, this was breaking me down. My mind was spiraling.
I replayed the original conversation with my RE about having either a Renal Ultrasound or MRI to check the "collecting system" for any abnormalities. She had said "either one would be fine", but handed me a rx for the MRI. I knew the ultrasound would have been quick and painless, so why was the MRI so different? By this point I was also on hour 10ish of not eating which did not help. I decided to rush to my locker, grab my phone, and call my doctor. I explained that I was freaking out, claustrophobic and while they most certainly believed I was an insane person, they helped me come up with an alternate plan of action.
I replayed the original conversation with my RE about having either a Renal Ultrasound or MRI to check the "collecting system" for any abnormalities. She had said "either one would be fine", but handed me a rx for the MRI. I knew the ultrasound would have been quick and painless, so why was the MRI so different? By this point I was also on hour 10ish of not eating which did not help. I decided to rush to my locker, grab my phone, and call my doctor. I explained that I was freaking out, claustrophobic and while they most certainly believed I was an insane person, they helped me come up with an alternate plan of action.
Long story short, my doctor talked to the head radiologist working at the imaging center and they decided I should move forward with a CT scan. I would have a 15 minute scan with dye injected through an IV. FIFTEEN MINUTES. I know when to take a good deal and did so right away.
The ct scan was a cinch. The dye was weird as I totally felt like I was peeing my pants when it went through my body, but it was not bad or painful (other than the needle). Oh, and it sent a metallic taste into my mouth. The whole thing was over in 15 minutes. I was/am SO grateful for such amazing techs/nurses/doctors who were willing to work with me and my psychosis.
I will most definitely be calling my RE tomorrow to thank her for helping me out today. It was really the first time during this entire process that I didn't feel like a number or statistic. And it was nice. Really.
~All's well that ends well~