Monday, August 26, 2013

34 weeks.

Baby girl is about 4.73 pounds, and she certainly feels like it! Le bebe and le belly are feeling heavier by the day. Pork up, little one!

Feeling: at the moment...heartburn.

Thought it was gone, but it came back and it's BAD.

Other than that, I'm feeling tired. I went to a best friends' bachelorette party Saturday and wore HEELS, which is just crazy. Overall, it was a really good day, but even with me sitting down as much as possible, it left me exhausted.  Also, it was kinda funny when a guy bought the group shots and I couldn't take mine...then proceeded to stand up and reveal my massive belly as I exited.  I felt like I was on some sort of prank show. Who goes to a bar with a baby belly!?


-itchy belly!
-some upper middle ab cramping/pain. Not very painful, but something is happening there. Hoping it isn't my muscles splitting!
-Belly button is STILL sticking around.
-tired for about 2 hours in the afternoon after lunch.

Weight: Up 2; 23 lbs total

What I Miss: Still face wash and a cocktail.

Doctor Appointment: 35 weeks. 

Looking Forward To:  A relaxing week ahead. Fall weather. Winding down my job.  And of course our babymoon at 37 weeks. Cannot WAIT for that:)


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