Monday, December 16, 2013

8 Weeks: Chunks!

2 things have happened so far at 8.5 weeks...

*Piper has chunked up. (Chunky thighs, double chin, big ol' belly)  This makes me feel pretty good milk wise. I am a reliable source of life-giving nutrition!!! Power to my milk!

*Piper has begun sleeping 11-5:30 everynight.  I am pleased. My boobs are not.  The past couple nights we learned that Piper will put herself to sleep for good if we do not.  If I don't feed her by 10:40, she will inevitably zonk out so cold that I literally can't do anything to wake her. It's pretty funny...except for the full boob thing.

Also, I think it's important to note that Piper is the reverse-child. For instance, it seems that some babies aren't into having their diapers changed...well, Piper LOVES it.  Other kids don't seem keen on baths...Piper, obsessed. And it seems that babies aren't always the biggest fan of throwing up...Piper not only thinks it's calming and great, but she also LOVES having her mouth wiped by a burp rag.  Other than that, she's pretty fussy. Sitting on a play mat, and doing pretty much anything has about a 5 minute time limit.  A.D.D in the house!

PS. It's also possible that I've mixed her up with a dog.  Maybe babies like all of the above things too...but dogs, dogs definitely don't...making her the reverse-dog.

So excited for the holidays with our little chunky monkey!


  1. she is beautiful. congratulations!

  2. Sorry that I am just seeing this now. Thank you so much!
