Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Today has been fun.

Piper has HFMD (hand foot mouth disease) and it is just as pretty as it sounds. I imagine that if she could keep a diary, it would display lots of violent scribbles and sentences about life being unfair and barely surviving in this cold, hard world. Yeah. It's really that bad.

Sunday night, she seemed to be a little crankier than normal. She seemed to have acquired a cough, but it wasn't weird. Her cousins both have coughs and they just spent the whole weekend together. Not to mention, while we were away for the weekend, she slept near an ancient A/C unit. It could have been from that. Or even from daycare on Friday. Coughs appear all the time. 

But then, she started hating food. And I noticed some bumps on her butt (why isn't it called 'hand,foot,mouth,butt disease?) when changing her diaper. But I checked her everywhere else and she seemed okay! Like an idiot, I sent her to daycare.

I picked her up early and asked how she was and they said she was fine. She ate all her food, napped her whole nap time and played with the kids. Phew. What a relief. That night, she went downhill...FAST. Whimpering, crying, screaming, touching her tongue. Around 7pm, we finally got her to sit still long enough to check out the inside of her mouth and lo and behold there was a sore. Jeff whisked her off to the emergency care where they confirmed the awful truth. She had Hand Foot Mouth Disease. 

Every day since then has been seriously bad. She won't drink or eat anything. She hates everything even her FAVORITE things. Getting her to eat ice cream is a struggle. We are syringing water and pedialyte into her mouth and trying everything possible to keep her hydrated, but this truly blows. 

She never developed bumps on her hands or feet. Just her mouth. Even the ones on her butt are gone. 

I can't wait for my little lady to feel better! This is so sad!

EDITED TO ADD: Piper recovered! I guess that's not too much of a surprise, but there were some iffy moments there. Tuesday through Thursday were TORTURE. Syringing calories and force feeding vanilla ice cream.  Then, things took a turn for the better on Friday and she began taking her sippy cup, food packets and pirate booty (weird, I know). Saturday, she was even better and Sunday she not only felt completely better, but she was SOOOO happy and adorable. It was like she was seriously realizing what a crappy week she had endured and just wanted to run and play and smile and laugh. Such a relief.  Hand, foot, and mouth sucks! Au revoir!

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