Feeling: Elated from our very awesome nuchal scan today. In the entire pregnancy thus far I have not felt as nervous as I did this morning. Yes, I've felt a lot of things, like the day I felt anxious and slightly dead-inside while going through the bleeding episode at 7 weeks, but I have never felt as if I was about to stand in front of a million of my peers and give a speech like I did today (public speaking is my number one life-nightmare).
First, I woke up to pee at 4am. Then, I realized I had just woken up for good. I think my brain knew I was nervous before I did because it wasn't until I was in the hospital's waiting room, waiting to go back that my stomach filled with knots and my head spun clear off my neck and into another dimension.
Lucky for us, our tech was immediately AWESOME. The immediate part is key for me because I can't handle someone throwing gel on my belly, looking around, doing their thang without at least saying, "There it is!" or "YAY a heartbeat!" or something first. Anyway, we lucked out and she was great. She put me at ease, but not before getting to see the little baby thrash around to what must have been some inner belly heavy metal. I swear he/she was headbanging. It was crazy! I actually felt so weirded out at seeing the sharp movements going on within me that I really forced myself to simmer down. Once I did, the baby did too...calm as a cucumber. A little wave here, a small kick there, but no more moshing. Yay! I couldn't have been happier. It was a morning full of watery tear ducts and laughing nonstop.
The heartbeat was at 176.
The NT measurement was 1.5.
The NT, Trisomy 18 & 13 results were 1:10,000.
More than any other feeling, today I felt lucky. I know that not everyone sees what we saw and not everybody gets good news. Luckyluckylucky.
Symptoms: Pants will not button comfortably AT ALL.
Extreme hunger. And then hating food. And then eating a ton again.
Less tired, but exhausted after meals.
Oh, and my skin is nasty.
Weight: The scale tells me that I'm holding strong at 3 pounds total weight gain, but my fat face would tell you otherwise. Holy bloat.
What I Miss: Nada. Life is GREAT.
Doctor Appointment: Our next appointment is the 14 week check up. Two weeks til I hear the little heartbeat again!
Looking Forward To: Um, everything! I feel like my poor jailed brain has finally been set free. I'm allowed to be happy now! It is my goal to now ENJOY this pregnancy.
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