We arrived to Overlook Hospital at 7:30am because a) we are eager beavers and b) Jeff had to get to work. They took us back before our appt time and got started right away. Lucky for us, our tech is also an MD so she can talk to us throughout the whole thing and explain every measurement that's going on.
Immediately after lathering me with jelly and seeing our little babe with a beating heart, Karen (our lady) exclaimed that the baby was in "perfect position" so there would be no ooohing and awwing or watching the baby wiggle. She wanted to take this opportunity to get all the measurements she could before the baby starting doing flips.
I was excited, but I was also NERVOUS.
First she looked at the four chambers of the heart before showing us the stomach. Then the liver (or something). Then she focused on the brain (scary) and finally the spine. After that, she did a couple things before getting to the measurements. We were at 19weeks/2 days and everything measured between 19 and 20ish weeks...except for the limbs which seem to be measuring a little ahead at 20 weeks and the head...which is measuring WAY ahead (21 weeks, i think)!!!! Our little baby is already set to take after my massive dome! Poor thing:)
Karen also revealed that we are in fact having a GIRL!!! YAYAYAYYAYAY...and it was an odd sense of excitement to hear that confirmed. Before we were like, "We think we're having a girl" and now we can be like, "Yes, buy us pink stuff. Thanks."
All in all, the scan took 30 minutes because the baby was cooperating. Of course I would have loved to see her a little longer, but I know that she wasn't a fan of being poked and prodded (she was kicking me like crazy) so it was good to end early.
Fun stuff:
-Toward the end of the appointment, she took the biggest yaaawn (or mouth stretch). And it was adorable. Here's a pic...
Anytime I see those pics of my niece, I cannot help but get a huge smile on my face. SO excited! :)