Monday, July 22, 2013

29 Weeks.

Allllllmost into the 30's...or my last semester, as I like to think of it.  In the 30's, I feel like it's game on.  Most don't make it out...without a baby. YAY!

Feeling: I feel great. Sorta tired this past week, but mostly I feel good.  I can see the end approaching and I'm trying to enjoy each day as they come.  

The hubs and I have entered a phase of dining out constantly and enjoying the things that might be made more difficult when she has exited thine womb.  It's awesome.  Plus, I have to say that my friends have really made me feel special AGAIN this week.  A cozy blanket came in the mail from California and while at a bridal shower this weekend, the bride actually got ME some special presents for the wee one.  It was so insanely thoughtful.  I'M NOT WORTHY!  

-Good acne is remaining awful. Hormones are a beautiful thing.  If beauty means pimples and nasty skin.
-Weird cramp on my lower right side whenever I walk around.

-lower back pain in my sacrum.  Started seeing a chiropractor about this.
-Belly button is still an innie, but I doubt for very long.
-Enjoying way too many sweets. Mainly italian ices and fro yo.
-Punches. It feels like she punches me in rapid succession sometimes. Has my placenta become a punching bag?  You've got me.

OH, and I feel that I should eyebrows sweat now.  Totally new thing.  I now have to literally wipe my brow after a 3 second walk in the heat. 

Weight: 0...17 total

What I Miss: Nothing.  Maybe thinner thighs.

Doctor Appointment: Friday!

Looking Forward To:  Swimming...or the ocean next weekend!!!


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