Saturday, July 13, 2013

Groooooowing...almost 28 weeks.

Last night was different.

I went to bed...exhausted. Not stressed about work or anything at all.  But just as my head hit the pillow, my brain flipped a switch and I felt awake.  Well, my brain still felt tired, but my body felt awake which was the weirdest combo ever.  It was SO strange.  The baby wasn't kicking or moving around any more than usual, so I didn't get what the deal was.

Finally I did fall asleep, but only to wake up a few hours later.  This time I felt instantly and FULLY awake instead of my normal middle-of-the-night zombie self.  I laid around for a couple hours, went to go to the bathroom and I swear that my stomach was heavier.  It was uncomfortably bigger than it was when I went to sleep. I swearrrrr

So yeah, I'm pretty convinced that I had a little growth spurt last night.  This morning I weighed myself while my stomach was grumbling for breakfast and the scale read that I was up 3 pounds from last week! Holler!

Nowadays, this is what constitutes as a crazy Friday night for me.

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