Tuesday, September 10, 2013

36 weeks!

Baby got back!  I literally think I felt my baby have a Hulk moment last night.  She feels suddenly bigger than before...or maybe the rest of my body is just getting weak and tired of carrying this big old belly.

Feeling:  super!  It is my last week of work and we finally took a birthing class. Go us. Whoop whoop.  I actually thought the teacher was really helpful.  The breathing exercises and labor positions seemed to click with me, so let's see if they help during the real deal.  I'm skeptical:)

-Acne is the best it's been.

- ITCHY belly
-Belly button is hanging on by a thread.
-Still peeing more
-Period cramps throughout the day. 
-Feeling a little pressure too.

Weight: Up 2; 26 lbs total

What I Miss: Nada!

Doctor Appointment: Manana!  I have to do some test for a bacteria.

Looking Forward To:  Babymoon!


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