On the one hand, YAY! On the other hand, WHEN?!?!?!? TELL ME WHEN! I'm not good at the whole 'surprise' aspect.
Feeling: Oddly shaped. A women in a store today said, "Wow, you look really LOW." So, I guess my feeling weird-looking is not without merit.
Also, my belly button has become an MC Escher painting. It LOOKS 3D, but I'm pretty sure it's flat. I can't really tell. It's a mind game.
I'm also starting to freak out minorly about being in my friends wedding next Friday. Chances are good that all will be fine and that I'll still be preggo, but what if I'm not? I am going to insane in my dress no matter what, so I guess I should just be okay with it. I have no control over it anyway:)
-HARD belly. As I type, it's kind of painfully hard. Not sure what that is about.
-Acne still lives on.
- Itchy belly.
- Still have heartburn.
- Still getting period cramps throughout the day.
-Feeling pressure every now and then. And the same zappy feelings.
Weight: up 1. 27 pounders.
What I Miss: crossing my legs with ease.
Doctor Appointment: Yesterday. Dilated 1cm/50% effaced. Need more primrose oil!!!
Also, the doctor said that le bebe is measuring to be in the high 7lb range! BIG BABY ALERT!
Looking Forward To: Le bebe. And my friends wedding next Friday:)
You look so good in these pictures! I hope to look this good at 30 weeks :)