Wednesday, October 2, 2013

39 weeks!

Okay, so I officially believe that I'll be pregnant until this wedding I'm in on Friday is over (39w/4days). THANK GOD.  The anxiety of it has been killing me (and my skin - helloooo teenage acne outburst).

Feeling: Better.  If I actually wrote this post on time (Monday), I would have said differently...but right now I feel okay.  The anxiety of being in this wedding/not knowing when labor will hit has been keeping me up every single night.  But as of today, I think I'll make least until the rehearsal dinner tomorrow night.  So, yay!  I made it!  Standing in heels all day is a little nerve-wracking, but I'm just going to pretend that this is all normal. Mind over matter!


-HUGE belly. 
-Acne has moved to my face

- Itchy belly has gotten itchier
- Still getting period cramps in my back.
-Feeling pressure...even though I am not any more dilated.

Weight: up 1 this week. 28 pounds gained...looks like I'll hit the 30 mark.

What I Miss: Standing up for long periods of time without feeling tired. Walking up a hill without feeling winded.  Bending over easily.  Sleeping on my back all night.

Doctor Appointment: Yesterday. Still dilated 1cm/50% effaced. I've been taking my primrose like crazy, but I think that the baby is going to come when she comes because I've been SOOO insanely active for the past 3 weeks and nothing.

Tricks that haven't worked:
-2 prenatal massages using specific labor-inducing pressure points
-ankle massage every night starting at 37 weeks
-walking at least 2 miles every day
-spicy food
...AND everything you can think of...besides castor oil.

Looking Forward To: 


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