Saturday, October 12, 2013

Post 40 Week Ultrasound

Since le bebe decided to surpass le due date, we were told by my doctor to set up an ultrasound appointment for 40.5 weeks.  I was anxious to see the baby once again since my 28 week u/s was the last sighting and made the appointment for 40 weeks and 3days.  

Before going in, I asked my doctor what the "AFI" fluid levels would mean and she explained that anything above a 5 is "good" and that a 2 is getting into a danger-zone where the baby could possibly not have enough fluid surrounding her.   She also said that if I wanted an induction, I could schedule one if my fluids were 5cm or less.  Seeing that ALL I want is for my silly baby to pick her birthday, I was hoping for over 5cm of fluid.   

Oh, and I also spoke to my ultrasound tech BFF about the levels, who confirmed 5cm - 25cm is 'safe' on the AFI scale.  

Overall, the appointment was a success.  

Le bebe had 7.5cm of fluid surrounding her and was measuring at 7lb 12oz (give or take a pound).  

The u/s tech even asked if I wanted her to flip on the 3D ultrasound and I said, "YES PLEASE!"  which turned out to be pretty hilarious.  I've never seen a more squished up baby in my life and probably never will.  Her head is so far into my pelvis that all we could see were a smushed up chin and lips, slightly covered by a knee (ouch).  It wasn't exactly the best picture, but we knew that we'd be seeing her soon enough (in theory, right?). we wait.  It is currently 40 weeks, 5 days with Tuesday being my next doctor appointment. AAAAAH.  


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