Thursday, October 10, 2013

Preggo Sissy Photo-shoot

My older (and only) sister is pregnant with me! She is due in February with her 2nd and I'm due...3 days ago. However, I believe these pictures were taken at 20 & 39 weeks pregnant. Hooray for babies living within our bellies!

We really should have taken more pictures of this insane and momentous occasion, but for the past 22 weeks she has barely been showing and we have been pretty lackluster picture-takers (I'm so disappointed in us!!!).  Anyway, here are a few from our block-party that I actually kinda like:)

Let the dueling bellies begin...

1 comment:

  1. I never saw this post until today! I love these pictures and need copies ASAP. I miss our bellies! The one I'm left with is not ideal ;) Love ya sis!
