Little Miss Piper Marie Thompson!!!! After a semi-eventful induction 11 days post due date, Piper Marie was born on October 18th at 7:13pm weighing 7lb, 11oz and measuring 21 inches long. She is PERFECT!
Laura. I came across your blog back in april when I was googling hcg infusion and hsve been following you ever since. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all about your road to motherhood and am thrilled to read about the new addition to your little family. She is adorable. I LOVE her name. Congratulations xxx
I love Piper Marie AND I love YOU!!!
ReplyDeleteLaura. I came across your blog back in april when I was googling hcg infusion and hsve been following you ever since. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all about your road to motherhood and am thrilled to read about the new addition to your little family. She is adorable. I LOVE her name. Congratulations xxx
ReplyDeleteCould not be more happier for you 3! She really is perfect!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you all!!!! Yay!!!