Monday, September 10, 2012

Wedding Receptions and Medicine Injections

So, a college friend of mine got married this weekend.  It was a lovely affair, filled with people I haven't seen in ages, good food, great music and menopur injections in the parking lot.  Boy, have times changed. 

The hubs and I drove to the venue (and parked far from the entrance) to ensure a safe place to sit and administer the mixing of medications and injections. Plus, we had to keep them in a cooler and thought lugging that on the shuttle from the hotel to the party would be a little obvious...and weird. 

I was nervous ALL DAY.  Something about these medications have my stomach and nerves going at all times.  It seemed like the day of the wedding was the day that a lot of side effects hit me - mostly nonstop stomach aches and a dull headache, so I was nervous as to how this would all play out. 

Turns out - our undercover mission went great!  No need for all of the stress. My nightly medicine time is 9:30pm and luckily most partygoers were tipsy by then.  Thank goodness.  We ended up making our stealth exit at 10pm-ish and were back to party within 30 minutes (we're still a little slow at this).  Only one person even asked where we went and I said that I had a stomach ache.  I have had IBS for pretty much my whole life, so this was extreeeemely believable.

I'm SO happy that we were able to pull it off. Yay us!

Onto the side effects.  I'm 6 nights of medicine in and this is what I've felt so far:

tender lower stomach/it feels bruised
slightly bloated
2 days of headaches
stomach aches for a couple days/could be IBS related, not sure.
and slightly more hungry

That's all so far! I have another appt tomorrow and I can't wait to hear what they say.  Yesterday, they said that I have 30 small eggs (16 on one side and 14 on the other) with my progesterone and estrogen levels seeming good.  They're also keeping me on the same amount of meds (150 follistim and 1 menopur). Yay!

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