During my first IVF cycle back in September, I was put on some thyroid medication. I didn't like it and subsequently hated taking it. We cut my dosage in half, and then when my cycle was cancelled, I stopped it all together.
So imagine my surprise receiving a call yesterday to say that my thyroid levels are above "normal" and that I should "up my dosage." Um. What dosage? My dosage of nothing?
First...I panicked. How could they have never told me to go back on the stuff? How was this in their records? Were they going to yell at me? I hate getting yelled at!! From that mental space, I called my nurse back and confessed that I hadn't been on the stuff for MONTHS. Like, my entire last IVF and FET cycle...nada.
My nurse, while surprised, did a great job of calming my crazy and explained that maybe if my level was an '8' that they would worry a little. My level was still above normal at a 4.7 (making me hyPOthyroid) with the desired level being a 2.5. She also explained that it shouldn't take too long for me to achieve that. Well, phew. Another crisis averted if you ask me!!!
In the land of fertility fretting, there is never a dull day!
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