Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hi Stranger. Can I tell you about my fertility problems? Thanks!

The hubs and I have decided that I'm using strangers as free therapy.

Here's how it goes:

First, I word vomit my problems onto said stranger/not-close friend moments after they've asked the ever-present, "When are you going to have kids?" question.  I am usually able to keep my answer brief, mainly going on to say something to the effect of, "if only it were that easy..." or "I actually have a problem with my uterus, so hopefully when that get's all cleared up" or "When am I going to have kids? WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO HAVE KIDS?!" (I wish.)  Obviously my answers, no matter how brief, are not what this person was hoping for.  Where are the roses and rainbows?!

Instantly upon unleashing my sad infertility tale, I feel so much better. Something about releasing my thoughts without any annoying outcome (constant follow-up questions in days/weeks to come...aka-seeing this person again) just feels good.  It really has the potential to be an awesome way of coping and hey, at least I'm not hiding the whole 'problems with fertility' thing.  I'm spreading the word!

Now, don't get me wrong. I don't hate everyone that's like, "We were barely even trying!" or "Oops, we had a baby!" but I don't think it's fair that SO many peeps think spawning a life is easy peasy.  It's not. I have a magnitude of BFN's to prove it.

So there you have it. Nosy strangers = free therapy = no repercussions = awesome.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sad Music.

I'm definitely a person that likes a sad song when I feel sad.  Lyrics have a great healing power for me. It's like having a conversation with someone who completely understands without actually having to talk.

This song is perfect:

However, make sure to follow up with this:

FUN - We Are Young.
