Monday, November 23, 2015

He has arrived!!!

Many apologies for the delay, as the past few days have been a smidge hectic...HOWEVER, I would like to announce the arrival of our littlest addition,  Luke!

He came screaming to Earth at 2:44pm on Thursday, November 19th after a nerve wracking but ultimately uneventful c-section. He was so beautiful that upon first glance, I almost passed out from happiness:)

I'll update with details shortly!


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Saturday, November 14, 2015

39 weeks!

It's the final countdown!!!!!

I can't wait! This weekend, Jeff and I are doing every last detail that needs to be done before the baby such as cleaning the house top to bottom, installing the car seat, building a crap load of baby gadgets, food shopping so Piper doesn't starve at grandma and grandpa's...getting a facial, because I may never sleep again after the baby is born. Yay! It's all happening!

I have a pre-op appointment on Tuesday, and then the cesarean scheduled for Thursday. I can't help but be bummed that no doctor in their right mind would let me deliver naturally again after what happened last time. I hate that I'll have a longer recovery time, which will prolong the time I have to wait to roughhouse  with Piper, and that someone will gruesomely be slicing into my abdomen, but hey...I've gone through worse at this point. And all that matters is his safe arrival. However, my mom did donate blood last week in the event that I bleed out again and need a transfusion. She's the best:)

Four full days left and I plan to fill them with seeing as many people as possible and doing as much as my broken body will allow:)

It's happening!

Saturday, November 7, 2015


Piper peed on the potty!!!

This is a big deal, right? Because it certainly feels like a big deal. If I didn't have a newborn coming in less than 2 weeks, I'd probably allow myself to get far too excited over the prospect of changing fewer smelly, disgusting diapers. But with a newborn, we all know that isn't reality. 

Anyway, I'm proud of my little girl... 3 weeks after her second birthday:) 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

37 weeks!

Full term is here!!!

As of now, I'm feeling great mentally. Physically, not so much.

-SO tired. (I try to take a 20 minute nap during Piper's nap everyday)
-Pain in my leg is back.
-Lower back pain won't go away either.
-Tons of lower pushing.
-Some heartburn.
-Palpitations - doctor says he's just big and pushing against organs, which can cause this.
-No sleep.
-SUPER itchy stomach.

 I'm trying to focus on the finish line and really soak up this time with Piper. He will be here before I know it:)


Monday, October 12, 2015

34 weeks

Well, it's official...I feel like I'm about to have a baby. A very active baby. At this point, I'm up most of the night from tossing and turning and trying to get comfortable with a dancing belly.  But, the countdown is on and I know sleep won't get any easier when he's here:)

Went to see my brother run an 18 mile race at the beach this weekend. The finish line was at the lighthouse, so we actually took some big belly pics!

Doctor visit info - She thought the baby was breach, but turned out to be his butt jutting out of my left side. Blood pressure and heartbeat was good and weight was up 20 pounds total (but I started 9 heavier than normal from the miscarriage). Otherwise, everything is looking good. 

Less than 6 weeks to go!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

32 Weeks

No picture of me, but appt went well this morning. Measuring about a week behind, which is fine and I've gained 20 pounds. Soooo...that might explain why my back hates me. 

Here's Piper, queen of Facetime....She may not get to see them often, but she loves FaceTiming with her Washington Grandparents!

Also, it's really not fair how much these two look alike, is it?

Monday, September 21, 2015

31 weeks!

Yay! I love being in the 30's...getting to the finish line feels so attainable. 

And I'm feeling okay. I wake up around 4 or 5 every morning and can't go back to sleep. But other than being a complete zombie, things are good!

Here we are on our after dinner walk last night. I look smaller than I am.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Published on Scary Mommy Today!

An article I wrote was published on Scary Mommy today...check it out! 

It's not so much about Facebook, but kind of just a different way for me to write about my infertility journey. Obviously at the time, I didn't want to write underneath every single photo what was REALLY going on because that would be somewhat confusing, but it is interesting to see that sometimes there is a deeper side to things. I guess I used FB as a jumping off point to get the conversation started. Does that make sense? Who knows. I'm tired:)

Sunday, September 13, 2015

30 weeks

30 week beach bump, at your service!

The summer season ended with Labor Day last weekend, so we obviously decided to get our beach time in now. It's perfect because all the stores are selling their last wrinkly peach and all the lifeguards are back at school. We're smart. Luckily, I was able to pull off swimming without dying. Go me!

Anyway, here's photo evidence of the stomach torpedo that houses my crazy kicker...(and a couple extra of my homies)

Hello seriously terrible tan lines
Seagull watching


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

29 weeks.

Hi, I'm huge.

Sleeping with this massive protrusion (aka baby boy) is becoming pretty painful. I switch sides all night long in a quest for comfort, to no avail.

Still working at the FYI channel...4.5 weeks to go. Hopefully, the commute doesn't kill me. Over 4 miles of walking a day! Aaaaah. I should probably use the subways, but it's so hard when they're disgusting and hot and only save me 15 minutes. Luckily, my back and leg have been feeling better. The doctor ordered me a belly band, but who knows when that'll arrive. 

Anyway, here's my 29 week pic. I look more comfortable than I am!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

28 weeks 3D scan!

Due to major pain in my lower right side, I needed to visit the doctor today for a checkup and just to be on the safe side, she sent me for a scan. YAY. Also, the pain is okay - just a pulled ligament and muscle along with lower back pain. Fun stuff. The doctor ordered me a glamorous maternity band. Oh well, at least I got to see the baby!

Seeing him in 3D at this stage is so surreal. He had HAIR. And a real face. And a foot on his head.

Ahh...I just love him so much already:)

Sunday, August 23, 2015

27 weeks.

Feeling: Pretty good! My skin has improved, but lower back pain persists. 

And I can't stop eating crappy food. Kit Kats, Raisinettes, cereal, muffins, and bread bread bread.  I literally ate 2.5 bagels today. That's not normal.

13 more weeks!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

26 weeks, 3 days - Glucose Test

Aaaaah, flat orange soda day! What a sugary way to start the day! Blegh.

I am so scared to find out the results. Please don't take my carbs away from me! They're all I have!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Today has been fun.

Piper has HFMD (hand foot mouth disease) and it is just as pretty as it sounds. I imagine that if she could keep a diary, it would display lots of violent scribbles and sentences about life being unfair and barely surviving in this cold, hard world. Yeah. It's really that bad.

Sunday night, she seemed to be a little crankier than normal. She seemed to have acquired a cough, but it wasn't weird. Her cousins both have coughs and they just spent the whole weekend together. Not to mention, while we were away for the weekend, she slept near an ancient A/C unit. It could have been from that. Or even from daycare on Friday. Coughs appear all the time. 

But then, she started hating food. And I noticed some bumps on her butt (why isn't it called 'hand,foot,mouth,butt disease?) when changing her diaper. But I checked her everywhere else and she seemed okay! Like an idiot, I sent her to daycare.

I picked her up early and asked how she was and they said she was fine. She ate all her food, napped her whole nap time and played with the kids. Phew. What a relief. That night, she went downhill...FAST. Whimpering, crying, screaming, touching her tongue. Around 7pm, we finally got her to sit still long enough to check out the inside of her mouth and lo and behold there was a sore. Jeff whisked her off to the emergency care where they confirmed the awful truth. She had Hand Foot Mouth Disease. 

Every day since then has been seriously bad. She won't drink or eat anything. She hates everything even her FAVORITE things. Getting her to eat ice cream is a struggle. We are syringing water and pedialyte into her mouth and trying everything possible to keep her hydrated, but this truly blows. 

She never developed bumps on her hands or feet. Just her mouth. Even the ones on her butt are gone. 

I can't wait for my little lady to feel better! This is so sad!

EDITED TO ADD: Piper recovered! I guess that's not too much of a surprise, but there were some iffy moments there. Tuesday through Thursday were TORTURE. Syringing calories and force feeding vanilla ice cream.  Then, things took a turn for the better on Friday and she began taking her sippy cup, food packets and pirate booty (weird, I know). Saturday, she was even better and Sunday she not only felt completely better, but she was SOOOO happy and adorable. It was like she was seriously realizing what a crappy week she had endured and just wanted to run and play and smile and laugh. Such a relief.  Hand, foot, and mouth sucks! Au revoir!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

TWO kids? That sounds hard.

Today, we went to see some preggo friends at the Hoboken Italian Festival and it was no less than 400 degrees out. We almost melted away completely, but somehow survived. Thank God for that misting tent.

It was a fun, but hectic day. Trying to keep up with friends who have buns in the oven, but none on the ground quite yet. It seemed like a reasonable idea to them for everyone to sit in the beer garden. But, all I heard was, "Wait, we're supposed to what?" Outside? With so much action whizzing around us? Yeah, that isn't really a thing for Piper. She wanted to EXPLORE! Run free! And the whole day gave me an epiphany. 

Here it is: I really need to enjoy this time as a family of three because having two is going to be a DOOZY. And I mean, HARD. With two kids, there will be no taking turns. No one person who gets to keep a normal conversation with our friends while the other half runs through crowds like a maniac, saving our kid from herself. Today, keeping up with Piper was tough enough (the temperature could have also magnified all problems).

And while pregnancy is no treat, at least our little guy is having his needs met (have I mentioned yet, that we're having a BOY) with minimal effort (other than the usual weird cramping, back pain, restless sleep, unending thirst and hunger) from me. I need to SLOW DOWN, RELAX, and ENJOY this time. It will never be like this again:)

38 weeks, 33 weeks, 23 weeks and a very sweaty and upset 22 month old Piper!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

22 Weeks!

Feeling good. So much bigger this time around. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the endless pasta dinners and ice cream:) 

Still not a fan of sleeping/dressing/doing much of anything pregnant but it's easier than the first time and at least I know a pregnancy without heartburn can exist!

Acne is getting better though! Big difference from my pregnancy with Piper. Thank God!

Next appt is at 24 weeks. 

Lbi with the fam.


Thursday, July 16, 2015

7 things that helped me get baby ready...

Having a dog- HAHAHA, sorry that was funny. Whatever you do, don't listen to your friend who cooks classic gourmet meals and eats at the dinner table with her Husky every evening. Just because your dog is high maintenance for a dog and acts like a human, doesn't make it a baby - unless it has no usable legs, can't be left alone for more than 2 minutes, can't see 10 inches past his face, and breastfeeds from you every 2 hours – NO, the answer is no. 

But it's not all bad news! Turns out that before giving birth, I first had to turn my 8 pound terrier mix into a baby. Sure, he hated being swaddled in my arms and being rocked to sleep (he stayed awake), but it helped me feel maternal as hell and calm leading up to the barbaric (ahem, beautiful) occurrence known as birthing a small human. Plus, it was a good arm workout - great for future baby lifting.

Cushy/soft back-board for your bed - Forget the nursery. I redid my bedroom. Before having a kid, I knew that I'd most likely breastfeed and even if I didn't, I knew that as an extremely tired pregnant person, I would not be any less tired with a newborn. Therefore, I would be performing my throughout-the-night feedings leaning against my bed backboard. If I so much as had to step foot out of my bed for the first 3 months while the kiddo slept beside me, I'd be pissed.

Massages and pedicures - This is a no-brainer. I paid women all over the states of New York and New Jersey to give my swollen feet a good rub down. It wasn't glamorous and it definitely added up price-wise, but after having a child explode out of my body, I didn't feel guilty for too long.

Hiding a burp cloth in the arm of every couch - This goes back to me being lazy not psychic. You never know when spew or milk leakage may occur. And I can promise that you won’t want to go running for a paper towel every time it does. You just had a baby. You’re tired. Stay seated. Relax a little.

Breastfeeding pillow - you can call it a Boppy or whatever you want, but I prefer life-saving u-shaped cushion to be used in a multitude of ways all day, everyday. 

I bought one of these before having my kid and thought it would just be another expensive dog-bed, but oh, how wrong I was. I used it endlessly, whether I was breastfeeding, napping, doing the dreaded tummy time, for flying in comfort across the country with a newborn, and for a nice place to rest my dinner plate.

DVR'd TV shows- Now, I'm not saying that your kid won't fall asleep in a swing or a mamaroo or whatever, but mine sure as hell didn't. She only fell asleep ON me. I know what you're thinking- Aw, how sweet. And besides being completely trapped, it really was. If I didn't feel like a hostage, I'd totally cry over the preciousness. And I know I should sleep when the baby does - which I did once A DAY, but I can't take 5 naps, every two hours. I just can't. That's why I saved 3 to 4 episodes of all my favorite shows before giving birth. Nothing could get me more excited to breastfeed my child into a milk coma more than back to back episodes of Naked and Afraid or The Real Housewives of New York City.

Infertility –That’s funny – I wasn’t crying a minute ago. Don’t mind me!

Infertility is pretty much the worst thing to happen to someone wanting a OF COURSE it's the best way to prepare a preggo for baby-dom.

But seriously, if there is any good to come out of endless testing, pregnancy loss and heartache, it's how freaking ready I was for my daughter and this new pregnancy when they actually worked out. This also really prepared me for how much pregnancy sucks. Without it, I would be destined for 41 weeks of eye rolls and complaining over missing Sangria. Instead, I just lived in fear of anything going wrong, became overly nice and maintained a very thankful attitude that would not be present otherwise. Blessings all around!


Monday, July 6, 2015

Piper Holds the Poo.

Because sometimes you have to help out and hold the poop bag. No matter how cute you are.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Breastfeeding: Please Don't Confuse Me Doing it With Liking it

So, here's my thing. I am DONE breastfeeding (WAY done). However, I never got the chance to write about it. I figure there is no time like the present (because Piper is sleeping at this moment) so here goes:
The first time I cried about my boobs, I was 13. A girl in my class announced that I was flat-chested and my crush sitting beside her couldn't help but laugh and agree. It was pretty earth shattering stuff. So earth shattering in fact, that before bed that night, I went home and PRAYED TO GOD for boobs. I kid you not. I begged the big man for knockers. It seemed reasonable at the time.

The next time I cried over my boobs would be about 17 years later, after the birth of my daughter. For me, the decision to breastfeed was a no brainer. My Grandma had done it. My Mom had done it. My sister had done it. I would obviously do it. People say it's better for the baby and that it is so "natural".  Besides, it would totally help me lose the baby weight. Right? Totally. It would also help form the most special bond between Mommy and baby and having just gone through years of infertility, I was beyond ready. Who wouldn’t be?!

The first time I threw my daughter on the boob was about 5 seconds after giving birth to her and she ate easily for 20 minutes. I instantly connected with my inner cave woman. It really was so natural! Breastfeeding was my bitch!

However, that first feeding would be the last easy one for the next five weeks. Every day was the same. Excruciating pain and undeniable dread filled me. Every time she cried for food, I cried for my boobs. They hurt SO freaking much. My daughter had an insatiable hunger and a shallow latch that even with the use of my own personal lactation consultant and a nipple shield (which I used for 5 whole weeks, by the way), did not help the pain. Not to mention the milk blisters and severe pain of engorgement. I was so overwhelmed and couldn’t help but feel very alone.

All day, my thoughts screamed, "How is something so natural, SO FREAKING PAINFUL?!" and "WHY GOD, WHY?!" and "I’M GOING TO KILL EVERYONE WHO TOLD ME THIS WAS EASY!"

Staying inside all day to be a food machine was hard on my mental state but going out in public did not help matters. My daughter was not a calm baby. The best way to comfort her was with a big dose of warm boob milk but the struggle get her latched on was ridiculous. One day at brunch, it literally looked like I was wrestling a squealing baby pig underneath my hooter hider. How did these women do it? What was the damn secret? Everyday I became increasingly miserable for dreading the beautiful miracle of boob food.

The last and final kicker came when breastfeeding did not yield the model-like weight loss results that every stupid article everywhere told me it would. No, but thanks for the endless articles on it, world. Really, thank you. Breastfeeding may make some girls super slim but breastfeeding made me HUNGRY. And even if my diet was awesome and filled with organic everything - eating an entire organic pizza is no way to get ready for a non-maternity wardrobe. In fact, a few weeks after I stopped breastfeeding completely, I lost 5 pounds with ease.

Now, I'm not saying not to breastfeed. No way! I did it for 8ish months (emphasis on the “ish”) and I'm so insanely proud of that (emphasis on the "insane"). But I wish I had more realistic expectations going into it. I can't lie and say that it was magical for me. It wasn't. Sure, I had good moments throughout – like not having to make bottles in the middle of the night and the exceptionally cuddly days - but that was really it.

Mostly, it was a hassle that wreaked havoc on my mind and body. To me, nobody should have to see their nipples crack, turn bright red or wake up in a pool of milk night after night after they’ve just been pregnant for the better part of a year. They shouldn't feel trapped to their couch or like there is no use in putting on a tank top that doesn't already have breast milk residue lingering.

I wasn’t the biggest fan but I did it and would I do it again? Yes, because my body allows it and science tells me it's good for my kid. I'm all about taking one for the team but this time I would know that not everyone is a mush ball over this bonding experience. Even when it gets easy (which, I swear it does) it isn't necessarily rainbows and puppy cuddles. It's a constant, never ending job and that's OKAY.

Every child is different; every mother is different. So even if I roll my eyes before grabbing my boppy and breastfeeding my child, please don't judge. I love my daughter and if anything, breastfeeding has just made me enjoy the stages AFTER even more.


Monday, June 15, 2015

17 weeks!

Well, we've made it far enough to get a bump, so I guess I'll post. Aaaaah, still kind of refusing to believe this is real.

I'm 17 weeks here and my friend is 33!

Feeling: sad about no kicks or flutters yet, but excited for my early anatomy scan tomorrow!!! 

Symptoms: body acne! It's terrible. Poor sleep. But no heartburn this time and like I said before, no kicks. Hopefully soon:)

Craving: cream cheese and pb/j sandwiches.


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

My Recipe for the Perfect Family.

I'm a dreamer, an imagine-r, a stare out of the train window for hours-er. In moments where my brain is free, my mind floats away to the moon and when it does, mindless, endless ideas and lists form. It's something that occurs, like the morning sunrise, nothing I've ever planned. As a kid, I would list to-do's that I hoped to accomplish, but likely would not: History paper, Math homework, get a ride to volleyball, warn Mom and Dad that I'm probably failing French.

As I got older, the lists got older too. Errands, work goals, dreams, aspirations. Sometimes, if there wasn't a list to be made, I'd find myself rerunning a conversation in my head on repeat - my wandering mind never knowing how to rest. Yes, I realize that me talking about this might have you running for a xanax, but I actually barely notice it and who knows, maybe it's a really great brain exercise - or undiagnosed OCD. 

Then, two Wednesday's ago when I was showering before work, my mind wandered and listed as it tends to do. I didn't notice anything strange at first until I was toweling off and realized that I wasn't listing my to-do's anymore. I was listing stuff that had already been done. Stuff I'd already gone through. I was listing the major hurdles I had to overcome in order to grow my family.

septum surgery
blood loss (during delivery)
natural pregnancy # 1
natural pregnancy # 2 

So, there you have it. That's how you make a family.

It was something of a recipe, really. A little recipe that yielded one daughter thus far and always ended in a little hopeful begging because you see, I'm pregnant right now and for me, being pregnant has never been a carefree, happy time in my life. Instead, it has been filled with a lot of heartbreak, a lot of emotional roller coaster riding, and a lot of pushing the negativity into outer space and focusing on the complete picture. I am lucky because all of my hard work has not been without reward. My frozen embryo transfer gave me a daughter. A perfect daughter. And I promised myself that I would try very hard to give her a sibling. If it doesn't work out, she will know how hard I tried and in some way I hope that consoles her. 

So, as of now I am still in this phase of life where one tries to multiply their love with their spouse to create a little family tree. As much as I would love for the pressure of this all to be over, it is not. And so, I list. I list our journey over and over. A tortured mantra. A poem of empowerment. A prayer of some sort. Maybe I'm proud of everything I've gone through or perhaps just deeply scarred by it. Either way, it's my story. 
I wasn't always like this. Like most people I was really excited to have a child initially. It is my nature to be optimistic and jump into massive life decisions with deliriously positive abandon. Everything would work out! We had already been married a couple years and couldn't wait for the adventure to begin. These were obviously going to be the best days of our lives!

Turns out life was pretty great before. I never understood how hard some people have it. I never had to. But let met tell you, when you're in the waiting room of an infertility clinic and you can barely find a seat for the 57th day in a row, you find out a lot of people have it hard. There are basically 400 scientific miracles that must go perfectly every time someone gets pregnant with a healthy baby. When people call it "the miracle of life," it's probably because they've been through the mud.

For me, it started with a misdiagnosis (who has a T-shaped uterus anymore?), then correct diagnosis and subsequent surgery to remove a rather large uterine septum (goodbye, nature's birth control). This was followed by a failed IUI and two cancelled IVF cycles due to slow embryo growth and crappy eggs. Each of these things take an eternity, by the way. Lastly, I had a frozen embryo transfer where I placed two embryos in and was lucky enough to have one grow into my beautiful daughter (but not without 12 weeks of spotting and bleeding, hypothyroidism, bed-rest and a threatened miscarriage).  During delivery with her, my placenta adhered to my uterine wall (because why should anything be easy?) and I lost a LOT of blood. Two surgeries ensued and voila, I was a Mom. 

Who wouldn't want to go through all that again?! 

Right now, I am naturally pregnant. This will be my second natural pregnancy actually - the first ending with a miscarriage at 8 weeks, 5 days. On the first day of my in-laws visiting from across the country. While they ate pancakes on our dining room table and I cried alone in the bathroom upstairs. 

So yeah, everything is hard.

Infertility and pregnancy struggles are a very lonely place. Even if the waiting room is filled to the brim at an infertility doctor's office, nobody talks. It is eerily quiet. It is serious. The air is heavy with sadness and loss. Everyone offers half smiles while silently counting down the minutes until they never have to come back. This was not a club that people wanted to join. 

It is for that reason, that I would never want another person to look at my family and see something that isn't true. This did not come easy. This did not come without a fight. I wish I could wear this list on my chest. I wish fellow strugglers (and even non-strugglers for that matter) could know my family-making recipe because if they are going through even just a fraction of what I did, I would want them to feel less alone and give them the energy to keep going until everything is in the rear view mirror. Once it is, maybe we can all wave goodbye to these days together.

This is my family recipe. What is yours?


Monday, May 4, 2015

Hilton Head: A wonderful family getaway

This past week, our little family went on a getaway to Charleston and Hilton Head, SC. Here's what I learned:

A one and a half hour flight is enough. Piper has never been a child who knows how to sit still and I have to say, boarding time plus flight time plus exiting the plane = just shy of the amount of bag of tricks I have for Piper. So basically, it's short flights from now on.

Stay at the place with a kitchen. Hilton Head has a ton of options of where to stay. However, we stayed at the Omni Resort because the rooms were spacious and had mini kitchenettes. We made a quick stop at Whole Foods and Piper was set. Waffles for breakfast, fresh almond milk in hand, and a sink to wash out sippy cups. Hooray!!

Get the babysitter. Babysitters are scary for me, but after a very simple vetting process (does she have rescue dogs-yes? YES!) through an island nanny company, we were off to have FOUR hours of sweet freedom to swim and frolicking about the grounds. It was well worth it...and Piper was surprisingly cool with it.

Balcony. Balcony. Balcony. Where else will you go when baby girl goes night night?! To your refuge. Your safe place. The balcony!

Here are some of my favorite pics: