Monday, November 23, 2015

He has arrived!!!

Many apologies for the delay, as the past few days have been a smidge hectic...HOWEVER, I would like to announce the arrival of our littlest addition,  Luke!

He came screaming to Earth at 2:44pm on Thursday, November 19th after a nerve wracking but ultimately uneventful c-section. He was so beautiful that upon first glance, I almost passed out from happiness:)

I'll update with details shortly!


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Saturday, November 14, 2015

39 weeks!

It's the final countdown!!!!!

I can't wait! This weekend, Jeff and I are doing every last detail that needs to be done before the baby such as cleaning the house top to bottom, installing the car seat, building a crap load of baby gadgets, food shopping so Piper doesn't starve at grandma and grandpa's...getting a facial, because I may never sleep again after the baby is born. Yay! It's all happening!

I have a pre-op appointment on Tuesday, and then the cesarean scheduled for Thursday. I can't help but be bummed that no doctor in their right mind would let me deliver naturally again after what happened last time. I hate that I'll have a longer recovery time, which will prolong the time I have to wait to roughhouse  with Piper, and that someone will gruesomely be slicing into my abdomen, but hey...I've gone through worse at this point. And all that matters is his safe arrival. However, my mom did donate blood last week in the event that I bleed out again and need a transfusion. She's the best:)

Four full days left and I plan to fill them with seeing as many people as possible and doing as much as my broken body will allow:)

It's happening!

Saturday, November 7, 2015


Piper peed on the potty!!!

This is a big deal, right? Because it certainly feels like a big deal. If I didn't have a newborn coming in less than 2 weeks, I'd probably allow myself to get far too excited over the prospect of changing fewer smelly, disgusting diapers. But with a newborn, we all know that isn't reality. 

Anyway, I'm proud of my little girl... 3 weeks after her second birthday:) 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

37 weeks!

Full term is here!!!

As of now, I'm feeling great mentally. Physically, not so much.

-SO tired. (I try to take a 20 minute nap during Piper's nap everyday)
-Pain in my leg is back.
-Lower back pain won't go away either.
-Tons of lower pushing.
-Some heartburn.
-Palpitations - doctor says he's just big and pushing against organs, which can cause this.
-No sleep.
-SUPER itchy stomach.

 I'm trying to focus on the finish line and really soak up this time with Piper. He will be here before I know it:)
