Thursday, October 31, 2013

2 week check up

Today was Piper's 2 week doctor appointment. (Is it possible that I have a two week old?!) and it turns out that our little girl is not gaining enough weight.

She was born weighing 7lb, 11oz.  By the time we left the hospital, she was 7.3.  Four days after, 7.5 and today (2 weeks later) 7lb 8oz.

We have a weight check on Monday, so until then, I am going to feed her religiously. Every hour or 2 on the dot! Hopefully it works...I really don't want someone telling us that our baby needs formula:/

I'll keep you posted!

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Little Miss Piper Marie Thompson!!!!

After a semi-eventful induction 11 days post due date, Piper Marie was born on October 18th at 7:13pm weighing 7lb, 11oz and measuring 21 inches long.  She is PERFECT!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

41 Weeks...

I cannot tell you how badly I want to be done with taking these weekly belly pictures.  AAAAH.  I should have just gotten induced to be done with them!

Feeling:  Meh. So-so. Indifferent. Strange.  Like I'm never going to have a baby.  I'm not trying to be dramatic, but I really do feel like it's never going to happen some how.  I know that is impossible...but still.

Everyone was SO anxious/excited about my impending labor.  My phone was always ringing/buzzing with "Baby?!?!" texts and calls for days leading up to my due date and even after.  Then, when it kept not happening, it was kinda like...okay, this is boring.  What is going on?!!??!?!  Why is my daughter boycotting the real world?!?!?!  

-Hair seems to be falling out more.
-BAD hip/sciatica pain during the night. I've gone to the chiro a bunch for it, but I think I need to lose like 10 pounds of baby asap to get any real relief.
-leg cramps.
-Itchy belly.
-Period cramps in my back. Especially after sitting in a hard chair.
-Contractions in my back.
-STILL 1cm dilated/50% effaced. AAAAH.

Weight: Same as before. I'm sure I'll be 31 by the end of the week.

What I Miss: Painless sleep. I barely sleep now, so if it were at least pain-free, that would be nice.  Oh, and some pumpkin spice caffeine drinks.

Doctor Appointment: Today. (41w/1d)...I'm still 1cm dilated/50%effaced. Fluid levels went from a 7.5 last Thursday to a 6.8 (or around there) today.

Also, I had my membranes sweeped.

The doctor took the liberty of putting me on the induction schedule for this Friday morning and since I trust her completely, I understood that it is time.  The baby is in position, but she simply isn't budging.  

I asked to have it switched to Thursday night because I'd like to be well rested and I know that I will not sleep a wink Thursday night if I know it's coming in the AM.  This way, I can have restless sleep Wednesday night and then nap all day Thursday before going in.  

SO bummed that I didn't go into spontaneous labor, but honestly, this baby needs to exit my body now. Being 10/11 days past my due date is enough.  And since I know the day that we put the embryos inside (bc of IVF), it isn't like my dating is messed up.  Oh well, we tried!  It's time to meet her now! 

Looking Forward To: 
Meeting my little belly lover.


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Post 40 Week Ultrasound

Since le bebe decided to surpass le due date, we were told by my doctor to set up an ultrasound appointment for 40.5 weeks.  I was anxious to see the baby once again since my 28 week u/s was the last sighting and made the appointment for 40 weeks and 3days.  

Before going in, I asked my doctor what the "AFI" fluid levels would mean and she explained that anything above a 5 is "good" and that a 2 is getting into a danger-zone where the baby could possibly not have enough fluid surrounding her.   She also said that if I wanted an induction, I could schedule one if my fluids were 5cm or less.  Seeing that ALL I want is for my silly baby to pick her birthday, I was hoping for over 5cm of fluid.   

Oh, and I also spoke to my ultrasound tech BFF about the levels, who confirmed 5cm - 25cm is 'safe' on the AFI scale.  

Overall, the appointment was a success.  

Le bebe had 7.5cm of fluid surrounding her and was measuring at 7lb 12oz (give or take a pound).  

The u/s tech even asked if I wanted her to flip on the 3D ultrasound and I said, "YES PLEASE!"  which turned out to be pretty hilarious.  I've never seen a more squished up baby in my life and probably never will.  Her head is so far into my pelvis that all we could see were a smushed up chin and lips, slightly covered by a knee (ouch).  It wasn't exactly the best picture, but we knew that we'd be seeing her soon enough (in theory, right?). we wait.  It is currently 40 weeks, 5 days with Tuesday being my next doctor appointment. AAAAAH.  


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Preggo Sissy Photo-shoot

My older (and only) sister is pregnant with me! She is due in February with her 2nd and I'm due...3 days ago. However, I believe these pictures were taken at 20 & 39 weeks pregnant. Hooray for babies living within our bellies!

We really should have taken more pictures of this insane and momentous occasion, but for the past 22 weeks she has barely been showing and we have been pretty lackluster picture-takers (I'm so disappointed in us!!!).  Anyway, here are a few from our block-party that I actually kinda like:)

Let the dueling bellies begin...

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

40 weeks...D-day has cometh...and goneth.

Well, yesterday was my due date.  Looks like I'll officially be a part of the average first time moms that go "late"...yay!  I read something that said first time mom's not looking to be induced go into labor at 41w/1day on average.  So, maybe that will be my fate! WHO KNOWS!!! Certainly not me!

Feeling: I feel a little anxious.  Anxious to meet her and anxious to know if I'll go into labor naturally before 42 weeks.  I am SO good at dealing with the unknown. Mwah ah ah.

I feel like time flies naturally, so I'm not completely impatient.  I know she'll get some point.  I am not wanting an induction as of yet because I think it's pretty normal to go past 40 weeks.


  -Acne is finally on the mend! Only took 30 weeks.
- Itchy belly.
- Period cramps.
- BH contractions.  I had at least 8-10 that were SUPER painful.
- Pressure.
- STILL 1cm dilated/50% effaced. Booooring.

Weight: As of 40 weeks/1 day, I am up 2 pounds for a grand total of 30 pounds.  Probably overdid it on the cake and ice cream this week.

What I Miss: Can't think of anything other than sleeping better.  I switch sides every hour at least and every time it kills my lower back.  I think the belly is officially too huge.

Doctor Appointment: Today. (40w/1d)...1cm dilated/50%effaced.  I have an appt for this coming Thursday to check my fluid levels.  Hopefully all will be well!

Looking Forward To: 
meeting the baby and seeing what name we pick...STILL have no clue on that.


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

39 weeks!

Okay, so I officially believe that I'll be pregnant until this wedding I'm in on Friday is over (39w/4days). THANK GOD.  The anxiety of it has been killing me (and my skin - helloooo teenage acne outburst).

Feeling: Better.  If I actually wrote this post on time (Monday), I would have said differently...but right now I feel okay.  The anxiety of being in this wedding/not knowing when labor will hit has been keeping me up every single night.  But as of today, I think I'll make least until the rehearsal dinner tomorrow night.  So, yay!  I made it!  Standing in heels all day is a little nerve-wracking, but I'm just going to pretend that this is all normal. Mind over matter!


-HUGE belly. 
-Acne has moved to my face

- Itchy belly has gotten itchier
- Still getting period cramps in my back.
-Feeling pressure...even though I am not any more dilated.

Weight: up 1 this week. 28 pounds gained...looks like I'll hit the 30 mark.

What I Miss: Standing up for long periods of time without feeling tired. Walking up a hill without feeling winded.  Bending over easily.  Sleeping on my back all night.

Doctor Appointment: Yesterday. Still dilated 1cm/50% effaced. I've been taking my primrose like crazy, but I think that the baby is going to come when she comes because I've been SOOO insanely active for the past 3 weeks and nothing.

Tricks that haven't worked:
-2 prenatal massages using specific labor-inducing pressure points
-ankle massage every night starting at 37 weeks
-walking at least 2 miles every day
-spicy food
...AND everything you can think of...besides castor oil.

Looking Forward To: 
