Wednesday, September 25, 2013

38 Weeks.

Oh hey. I'm just over here still being pregnant. 

On the one hand, YAY!  On the other hand, WHEN?!?!?!? TELL ME WHEN!  I'm not good at the whole 'surprise' aspect.

Feeling:  Oddly shaped.  A women in a store today said, "Wow, you look really LOW."  So, I guess my feeling weird-looking is not without merit. 

  Also, my belly button has become an MC Escher painting.  It LOOKS 3D, but I'm pretty sure it's flat. I can't really tell. It's a mind game.

I'm also starting to freak out minorly about being in my friends wedding next Friday.  Chances are good that all will be fine and that I'll still be preggo, but what if I'm not?  I am going to insane in my dress no matter what, so I guess I should just be okay with it.  I have no control over it anyway:)


-HARD belly.  As I type, it's kind of painfully hard.  Not sure what that is about.
-Acne still lives on.

- Itchy belly.
- Still have heartburn.
- Still getting period cramps throughout the day. 
-Feeling pressure every now and then.  And the same zappy feelings. 

Weight: up 1. 27 pounders.

What I Miss: crossing my legs with ease.

Doctor Appointment: Yesterday. Dilated 1cm/50% effaced. Need more primrose oil!!!

Also, the doctor said that le bebe is measuring to be in the high 7lb range! BIG BABY ALERT!

Looking Forward To:  Le bebe. And my friends wedding next Friday:)


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

37 Weeks. Full-freakin-term.

We did it!  Full term is HERE!  Up until this point, I think everyone is like, "I feel like I'm about to have this baby TODAY...I'll probably go early."  

From this point on, everyone pretty much figures they're staying pregnant til 40 weeks.  I can't even imagine going into labor. I'm so used to being pregnant at this point. 

Feeling:  Pretty good. Becoming a wee bit afraid of labor.  This is really going to hurt, isn't it? Crap.

We leave tomorrow for our mini-babymoon and I'm excited. The hubs and I are notoriously terrible at relaxing, so we'll see how this goes.  (We're the kind of people who actually got bored on our honeymoon and couldn't wait to come home. Whhaaaat?!)  I think that since I'm incapable of running around/bending over comfortably/dressing myself easily, I may actually be okay with a few days of laying around, swimming, hiking and reading.  Plus our room has a fireplace on the deck which will be perfect in this weather.

And, I think I may even have a glass of wine or champagne. We'll see.  I keep saying I will and then don't.  Oh well!

-Acne is still progressively getting way better. What does it MEAN?! 

- Itchy belly.
- Still have heartburn on some nights.
- still getting period cramps throughout the day. 
-Feeling pressure every now and then.  And some zappy feelings.  Not sure what those are.
-swollen feet all day/everyday at work last week. 
-Movements have been less the past few days. NOT fun.

Weight: 0. 26 pounds total.

What I Miss: Nothing. Other than thinner thighs.

Doctor Appointment: Today! No dilation. Baby is still dropped...what is she doing down there?!

Looking Forward To:  Babymoon!
  And then the Comedy Cellar on Friday. I can't wait to laugh the baby out!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Pregnancy Brain #100

Just ran all over the house, upstairs, downstairs, EVERYWHERE, panicking that I would miss my train to work bc i was looking for my phone.  My Mom, who has been driving me, raced inside to help and low and behold found it....


Aaaaah! Baby brain is still lurking! No wonder it sounded nearby wherever I went.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

36 weeks!

Baby got back!  I literally think I felt my baby have a Hulk moment last night.  She feels suddenly bigger than before...or maybe the rest of my body is just getting weak and tired of carrying this big old belly.

Feeling:  super!  It is my last week of work and we finally took a birthing class. Go us. Whoop whoop.  I actually thought the teacher was really helpful.  The breathing exercises and labor positions seemed to click with me, so let's see if they help during the real deal.  I'm skeptical:)

-Acne is the best it's been.

- ITCHY belly
-Belly button is hanging on by a thread.
-Still peeing more
-Period cramps throughout the day. 
-Feeling a little pressure too.

Weight: Up 2; 26 lbs total

What I Miss: Nada!

Doctor Appointment: Manana!  I have to do some test for a bacteria.

Looking Forward To:  Babymoon!


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

35 Weeks.

Whoop whoop. Le bebe is about 5.25lbs, 18 inches and HUGE.  Seriously.  At my appointment this morning, the doctor showed me her back, her butt, her neck (which leads down to my pelvis since she has dropped), arms and leggies.  She's EVERYWHERE.

Feeling: like labor is around the corner. My job ends at the end of next week and in a way, I'm actually kinda sad. I've liked working, maintaining some normalcy in my life and I've liked keeping my mind off of the pending birth because it has actually made me feel really laid back about this whole experience.

I also met with my practices midwife today during our checkup and discussed our birth plan.  Basically, my plan is to go au natural with the option of an epidural.  I want to know when my times' up for making that decision and be allowed to make that decision then...not right now while I'm not feeling any sort of discomfort.  I don't want to be induced and I don't want a c-section.  That is my wish list. 

And since things NEVER go the way I plan, I assume the opposite of all that I want will happen.  Only time will tell! I'm not too worried about it:)


-Acne has left most places but moved to my neck, which is super sexy.

-Still having itchy belly spells.
-Belly button is STILL chillin.
-Peeing more
-Period cramps in my back on some nights.  Since I have a retroverted uterus, this could be my version of braxton hicks.

Weight: Up 1; 24 lbs total

What I Miss: Well, I don't miss this stuff per se, but I'd like to sip a blueberry beer, peach mimosa or fruity cocktail. OH, and I do miss waterslides, hot tubs and rollercoasters. Beeg time.

Doctor Appointment: 36 weeks. I'm weekly now!

Looking Forward To:  Our friends moving down the street this weekend and inching closer to our mini-babymoon!
