Tuesday, November 19, 2013

My Newborn: Some notes on the first 4 weeks.

Weeks 1 & 2 - Piper slept A LOT these weeks...mostly during the day, of course.  But I would guess she slept about 18 hours each day.  She was also fine with being put in her pink rock-and-play while I did stuff around the house or entertained visitors.  

Also, she was sleeping SO much (like PASSED OUT after 4 minutes of feeding) that she wasn't gaining enough weight at all.  This meant I had to start waking her up every 2 hours on the dot to feed.  From this, we created a little growth spurting monster (albeit a screaming and adorable one).

Week 3 - Piper gets colicky.  Most of week 3 was spent "shh"ing Piper, swinging Piper and basically trying to get our sleepy baby back.  She was WAY hungry this week.  Every hour to 2 hours max, she just wanted to eat, eat, eat...and then scream and finally sleep.  At night time, she would get one good chunk of sleeping in and then a smaller one following.  Ex, 4 hours (feed for an hour) then 2 hours.

Week 4 - The screaming continues and the sleep dwindles.  We buy Babybliss gripe water, Hyland Colic tablets and gas drops while I debate nixing completely my already low dairy intake.  Poor Piper has trouble with gas and it totally sucks for everyone.  She still sleeps one larger chunk at night, but it's shorter now and the second chunk is always almost only an hour.  

Very few things calm her at this point.  The vibrating chair, rock and play, and swing don't work for more than 10 minutes and neither does swinging in my arms, burping, babybliss, etc when she is upset. Feeding almost always makes her the happiest and walking around in the sling would be in second with the stroller/car coming in at a close third. 

On the plus side, she seems to be a little more interactive now.  She stares widely at us and practices facial expressions at certain moments during the day.  It is the cutest thing I've ever experienced:)

Week 4/3 days - Hyland colic tablets made Piper let out the LOUDEST, craziest burp I've ever heard. I honestly thought she was vomiting (which was scary).  However, she must have felt so much better afterwards because she slept pretty well.  So far, Hyland Colic Tablets are the best remedy we've found so far...

OH...and I've given up the nipple shield.  She isn't loving the transition, as she sometimes pulls away to scream bloody murder (which never happened before) but I'm going to stick with it and see what happens.

She changes so much every day, it's hard to keep track of everything!

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