Tuesday, August 20, 2013

33 Weeks!

Big News of the Day - Had a doctor appointment this morning and found out that le bebe had dropped!  She has been head down for a looooooong time, but the doctor said that her head is officially in the locked and loaded position.  Pretty early according to most online research, but I just feel like she'll stay in there for a little while.  At least 4 more weeks...right?  Eek!



optical illusion. What belly?

Feeling: Different since she has dropped.  I even had a singular contraction the other night.  It's all just a reminder that this is, in fact happening.

This past weekend was perfect though.  The weather was the perfect mix of Fall and Summer. The ocean was warm (sort of...it was 70ish) and I just felt soooo nice and relaxed.  It was an amazing summer weekend with the family.

Since dropping the most noticeable changes are:
-peeing a lot more frequently
-no more daily heartburn
-weird round belly feeling...it hurts to bend over more.
-crossing legs = way harder


-Feet are a little swollen
-Back stopped hurting at night and now hurts a little during the day after sitting too long.
-Leg cramps have gotten better, but foot cramps are still there.
-Skin is TERRIBLE.  What a surprise.

-Bellybutton is still chillin.
-some cramps.
-I feel her EVERYWHERE now.  To the right, to the left, at my ribs, in my pelvis.
-A contraction!!!! It felt like period cramps...

Weight: Up 1.5 pound. 21.5 pounds.

What I Miss: Bending over.  Crossing my legs.

Doctor Appointment: 35 weeks. 

Looking Forward To:  My friends Bachelorette party this weekend.  Think I'll get into the club? Haha. It's going to be really embarrassing, I'm sure.


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