Thursday, September 6, 2012


I don't know if my husband is just seriously bad at his task as the injectables injector, but HOLY SMOKES do these things hurt.  Mostly just the Menopur.

My nurse told me that I could mix the Menopur and Follistim together to endure but one injection and originally I thought, "nah! I'll be fine!" but I'm going to ask her to re-explain at my Day 6 appointment tomorrow morning.  Right now, we're not confident enough to do the injections without following the video online (where they don't mix), but I really think one injection would be better than dos.

There is so much to keep track of with IVF. 

I've canceled most nighttime plans this month (that are to take place during our 9:30 injection date) and most early morning obligations (that take place during my 3 million doctor appts), but I still have a wedding to attend this Saturday and it's a state away.  Basically this means that the hubs and I will have to keep the meds cold in the car and hotel AND perform the injection during the reception or way too early or late.  I cannot wait to see how we manage this.  I'm sure it will end either hysterically, painfully, or with someone thinking that we're doing drugs in the bathroom stall. Crap.

Til then!

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