Tuesday, June 4, 2013

22 Weeks.

Baby girl is a Spaghetti Squash and almost a pound:)  We're on our way!

Feeling: Great and not so great.

I'm feeling great because I now feel BG (baby girl) every day.  I've been waiting for this and it is better than I could have expected.  This past weekend, at 21 weeks/4 days, Jeff felt the baby kick for the first time!  Really awesome.

The not so great feelings are stemming from the concern that my IBS is returning while pregnant.  And not returning in its' usual form.  Normally I know what foods to avoid to stop the INSANELY crampy/massive stomach aches, but not right now.  I feel like I've turned the clock back 15 years and I'm relearning what will make me sick and what won't.  So far...anything greasy (mostly any sandwich that has too much cheese) and leafy green salads are the obvious culprits for needing a bathroom ASAP.  After that it can be anything.  A bagel, a bowl of cereal...ugh.  

I've only had about 3 episodes, but all 3 were pretty close together (within a couple weeks) and making me wonder if my once-awesome pregnancy bowels are taking a turn for the worse.

Of course having IBS gives me anxiety because it is unpredictable and often wants to strike when I am NOWHERE near a toilet, so I'm trying to keep it under control.  The last thing I want is for my poor little baby to feel any of my anxiety OR the massive cramping sessions that come before a stomach ache hits.

Today at the doctor, I explained my issues to her and she gave me a sample of probiotic pills, so hopefully they will help!

-Acne.  My back is PERFECT for summer sundresses. Just kidding. I'm a mess.
-Sleep is still not great. 
-Dreams are getting SOOO freaking weird.  I just took a nap and dreamt that my mom was pregnant. And last night I dreamt that I lost my teeth. 
- STILL craving Grapenuts.

Weight: 10 pounds.

What I Miss: I saw someone drinking a pomegranate mixed drink on a hot day and I kinda wanted some.  It looked so refreshing.

Doctor Appointment: Today! Got some probiotic samples for the above stomach issues.  

We didn't see the baby on the monitor, but we heard the heartbeat (158bpm - fast!).  Since finding out how active she is, I was actually SO excited to see her dance around, but I guess not this time.  I wonder if the next time I'll see her is at my 28 week hospital U/S? No clue...

Looking Forward To:  Our "nursery weekend" this weekend. We are set to paint and assemble the crib that is arriving Friday!  AAAAH.  And our rug is coming a couple days later.  CAN'T WAIT.


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