Monday, July 1, 2013

26 weeks.

I used to love this Broadway play growing up, called Starlight Express.  It was about trains and had literally nothing to do with pregnancy, but in it, they sang a song called "there's a light at the end of the tunnel," where it really just repeated that a lot and was really upbeat and exciting (also, the whole play was done on rollerskates so that obviously made it even better).  And ANYWAY...I can't help but sing that to myself whenever I think about how far we've come!  Woo woo!

Now for a picture of me being played by me...homeless.

Feeling: like this: 

I really am becoming quite massive.  Today I stood on the escalator, rather than racing up it.  Gave myself a stitch in the side while lifting my dog.  In the shower, I felt noticeably uncomfortable when bending over to shave a leg.  AND, I swear I felt my baby's head coming out of my (former) waist the other night.  

I guess that settles it.  I'm pregnant!  It only took 26 weeks but I'm completely and entirely convinced at this point.

I spontaneously have the day off tomorrow, making this a 3 day week for meeee.  Life is good.
-Acne is SOOO much...the same.
-Getting harder to move around.

-Still liking chocolate. LOVING fruit and oh...pretty much all foods. 
-A couple headaches. Nothing major. 

A new one - ACHY LEGS!  I don't know if this is from my extreme commuting situation (about a mile of stressful walking with about a million staircases) or just a new thing.  Either way, I heard that bananas help, so I've been making sure to have one a day.  Last night - no aches! Hopefully it's a fleeting symptom.
Weight: up 1.  Total of 14lbs.

What I Miss: Nada

Doctor Appointment: 27 week checkup.

Looking Forward To:  4th of July celebrations with some very awesome friends!


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