Tuesday, April 16, 2013

15 Weeks!

I feel like I've accomplished a lot this week, but nowhere near as much as my little navel orange! Moving joints & limbs, sensing light, and growing legs longer than arms!  Talk about productive.

I have a spot on my shirt!

Feeling: Right now I am feeling stressed OUT at work.  I have a job that will be lasting until I am 18 weeks along and at this moment I feel that it is killing me.  I am trying really hard every day to keep the stress under wraps as much as possible and also focus on the positive. The baby:)  

One thing that I find funny is that most of my coworkers don't know I'm pregnant but today it was pretty hard to hide so I got a bunch of funny looks. Insta-gut or baby? I could tell they were perplexed.

Maternity pants are feeling pretty nice.
Skin has gone from BAD to WORSE. Everywhere.  
Infrequent twinges and cramps. Not painful.
Stomach pushed out quite a bit this morning.
Also felt a few weird feelings in my uterus area. I don't think it's the baby moving around yet, but it was pretty cool anyway.

Weight: 5 pounds total.

What I Miss: Nothing really. I could go for a vacation though:)

Looking Forward To:  Still looking forward to the baby kicking me.

Doctor Appointment: 18 weeks...and the suspense is killing me!


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