Monday, April 29, 2013

17 Weeks!

My baby weighs the same as a turnip! And is turning cartilage into bone! AND is making sweat glands!!!

Feeling: Still stressed at work.Feeling like it will never end.  I wish I could feel more about the baby but right now my brain is work-consumed. Boo.

I did take a prenatal pilates class this past Saturday and have to say that I am kind of excited to go back.  I think it is nice to be in a room full of preggos and not feel pressure to be perfect.  It's really relaxed and relaxing. I highly recommend!

-Bad acne.  Belli acne cleanser is WORKING though!!!!  I'm never going to stop using it. I love it.
-Big old belly.  The hair-tie trick is becoming obsolete. Might only have a day or two of it left. 
-Some nights I sleep amazing. Some nights I sleep awful.  All nights...are filled with the weirdest dreams ever.

No baby kicks yet!  Hopefully soon!

Weight: The scale finally tipped. 6 pounds!!!

What I Miss: Went to a bbq on a warm day and missed having a cold beer.

Doctor Appointment: 18 weeks/1 day. It's getting closer, but it feels farther!

Looking Forward To:  Kicks!


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