Monday, December 3, 2012

IVF Calendar, Part Deux

11/7 - Start AF, start BC

11/17 - Start Lupron 10units

11/21 - end BC

11/24 - Day 1

11/26 - Day 3 bloodwork/ultrasound & start 5units Lupron, 150 Menopur (2 vials), 150 Follistim

11/29 - Day 6 b/w & u/s. Meds stay the same. 14 on the left, 25 on the right.

12/1 - Day 8 the Doc said I was "plentiful." As usual, I will take what I can get compliment-wise.

12/3 - Day 10 - my biggest follie is 14. Change prescription to one Menopur and have to return tomorrow.

12/4 - Day 11 - I'm on the "daily plan," whoop whoop.  I have a few eggs at 16, but the rest are all smaller.  They believe my retrieval will be Saturday and they also think that given the amount of follicles, I may need to prep myself for OHSS. Booooo. OHSS will mean that I have a chance of freezing all eggs for a future FET. Double booo. Crossing my fingers for a happy outcome...that does not include cantalope sized ovaries and gallons of Gatorade ingestion. 

12/5 - Day 12 - Giving blood was not fun today. Instead of a "pinch," I most definitely felt a "stab."  As far as follicles go, I think I have a lot in there, but I think there is only 1 18mm one and all the rest are 16 and under.  I'm getting sooooo nervous.   

12/6 - Day 13 - I trigger tonight!!! My biggest follicle was 24, which seems like a lot for it to grow overnight.  I also had 2 20's, 2 19's, a few 18's and a lot less than that.  I HOPE THIS WORKS!!! 
updated to add: estrogen at 5399 - high 

12/7 - 2am - trigger with 1 Ovidrel shot.  

6am - B/w & u/s AGAIN.  Luckily, they were able to take blood from my left arm for once, so that was a pleasant surprise.  Still some fluid in my lining but lots of egg as well.  Not sure on Estrogen level yet. will post later... 

12/8 - Retrieval Day!!! They retrieve 31 eggs.

12/9 - We are told that 20 have fertilized normally without the need for ICSI. 

12/13 - Find out that the embryos are running a day behind schedule.  4 day 5 blasts are frozen for an upcoming FET in Feb (unless something opens sooner).

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